4. Reading Eggs assignments
Teachers can assign tasks in Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress for in-class activities or homework.
Assigning a task in Reading Eggs:
From the left-hand menu select ‘Reading Eggs’, ‘Assignments’, ‘Create Assignments’
Choose the students you wish to assign the task to. You can select the entire class, a group of students or an individual student
Select the date you want the assignment to go live and choose the end date
Choose the type of activity you wish to assign
Tip! For a quick task, choose a Driving Tests Lesson. These are brief multiple-choice tests and students are rewarded with a short 'Driving Game' upon completion.
After entering all the details, you'll see a summary of the assignment, including selected students, dates and activity details. Click ‘Create this assignment’
A pop-up will confirm the successful creation of the assignment
The assignment will now be visible on the student console
To check your students' progress on assigned tasks, select ‘Manage Assignments’
Click the drop-down box to the left of the assignment. From there, you can view all students assigned the task and their status ('Active' or ‘Completed’). For completed tasks, check the student's average score and how many times they needed to complete the end-of-lesson quiz to achieve an 80% score. Students must reach this score to pass and complete the lesson.
To expire or change the dates of an assignment, select the 'Edit' button. Adjust the dates or click 'Expire Assignment.' Don't forget to click 'Save Changes'. Note that changing the date or expiring an assignment will affect all students assigned the task. It's not possible to alter or expire assignments for individual students or part of the group.
Assigning a task in Reading Eggspress:
The process for assigning tasks in Reading Eggspress follows the same steps as in Reading Eggs. Begin in the Reading Eggspress section of the left-hand menu and select ‘Assignments’.
In Reading Eggspress, teachers can assign a Comprehension Lesson, a Spelling Lesson or a Library Book.