4. Individual student reports
To find individual student reports, go to 'Reports' under the program your students are using (Fast Phonics, Reading Eggs or Reading Eggspress) and choose ‘Dashboard’.
When the dashboard opens, you'll encounter several charts and graphs.
At the top, filter for the desired time period. Then, switch from ‘Chart’ view to ‘Table’ view.
Once you switch to ‘Table’ view, you will see information like this:
Here, you can view details about your students' progress.
If you're seeking a report for an individual student, click on the student's name.
This will bring up a comprehensive report about that student's work and progress.
You can print this report by clicking on ‘Export As’ and scrolling down to ‘Print’.
Teacher Tip: Use individual student reports during parent meetings or student support sessions. These reports are also valuable when crafting report card comments.