5. Creating assignments
Teachers can assign Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress lessons and assignments for targeted learning.
Lessons for targeted learning in Reading Eggs include:
- Reading lessons
- Spelling lessons
- Driving Tests
- Storylands lessons.
Lessons for targeted learning in Reading Eggspress include:
- Reading comprehension lessons
- Spelling lessons
- Library books.
Follow these steps to create assignments in Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress:
From the teacher console select ‘Assignments’
From there, select ‘Create Assignments’
With all your students visible, filter for an individual grade or group and select the student(s) who will receive this assignment
Set the start/finish date
Choose the activity you wish to assign
Review the assignment detail
Click ‘+Create this Assignment’.
Note: When a student has an assignment, they cannot engage in other activities within the program until the assignment is completed.
To modify the details of an assignment:
Select ‘Manage Assignments’
Here, you can view active or pending assignments (when you've chosen a future start date) and edit the dates
Alternatively, you can expire the assignment, removing it from your students' consoles.
Teacher Tip: Lessons generally take 30–40 minutes to complete. When setting due dates, consider this duration. For example, if students are allotted 15 minutes per day for their assignments, they will require 2–3 days for completion.