3. The right level
Reading Eggs' Placement Tests accurately assess students' current skill levels, ensuring they begin learning at the appropriate level within their zone of proximal development.
When students sign in to their accounts, they’ll arrive at their ‘My Programs’ page.
From there, they can select the program they’ll be using and begin their Placement Test.
Students will be prompted to take Placement Tests in Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress.
In Fast Phonics, technology with sensitive sound recognition is used to place students in the correct ‘Peak’ (Lesson) on the map, based on their phonics knowledge and ability to blend phonemes to read words accurately.
Placement Tests:
To have your students complete a placement test, instruct them to click ‘Start Placement Test’.
After three incorrect answers, the test will end automatically. The student will then receive their lesson placement and can begin working on lessons independently.
If you prefer that your students skip the placement test, they can select ‘Start at Lesson 1’.
Teachers can also manually place individual students, selected groups or an entire class. Here's how:
Navigate to the Teacher Console, click on the dropdown arrow for ‘Management’ and select ‘Manage Progress'.
Use the grade-by-grade guide to check your students' placement and understand the meaning of their placement levels with the Placement Test Overview.
To edit a student’s placement, click ‘Edit’ on the right side of the student’s name, change their progress for Reading, Spelling and Clinker Castle, then click ‘Update’.
To reset a placement test for a class or individual students:
- Check the boxes next to the students who need to be reassessed
- Click ‘Edit progress’.
- Choose ‘Placement Test’
- Choose ‘Update’.
If a student's placement is changed, their lessons will start from the point you have manually assigned.
Teacher tip! Feedback from the Placement Test enables you to align efforts and activities with clear outcomes, facilitating the achievement of learning goals. We recommend reassessing students one to three times throughout the school year to ensure they're working at the appropriate level.