5. Assign content and review results
Your teacher console (simple intro to side nav and see placement test)
To log in to your account visit readingeggs.com. After logging in, you will be taken to your Reading Eggs Teacher Console.
Here, you can manage students, assign lessons, track progress, access teaching resources and reports and more.
Creating assignments is the same in both Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress.
Using the dashboard, teachers can manage and create assignments for individuals, groups or the entire class. Teachers can set a specific timeframe and monitor progress as students complete the activities.
Note: Students are locked into the activity until they complete it or until the task expires.
Select students:
- You can select individual students or select ‘All’ for a group assignment
- Note: You can filter by specific student, grade or class.
Set a time frame:
- Add a Start date to your assignment
Set a Due date or opt to set a duration of days.
Choose an Activity:
- Review the Assignment Details and click ‘Create this assignment'
The next time your students log in they'll be prompted to complete their assignment(s) before moving on to other activities.
Each program provides comprehensive usage reports, including lessons completed, scores, certificates earned and time on task.
The data can be viewed in multiple ways with various filters to isolate specific ranges and can be exported into a CSV file.
The best way to see data is through each program’s Dashboard.
To view results at the student level and export the data:
- Filter for your class using the navigation bar at the top
- Click ‘Table’
- Click ‘Export as’ and ’CSV'.
There are many reports available for each program.
You can find all available reports in the ‘Reports’ drop down under each program.
These reports can be filtered and exported in the same way as the ‘Dashboard’ reports.