1. Take learning offline with printable resources
Reading Eggs offers a wide range of printable resources to support both classroom lessons and at-home learning.
The easy-to-find, levelled resources are perfect for all students and include worksheets, teacher notes, big books and posters.
Exploring the Printables Library:
The Reading Eggs ‘Printables Library’ offers printable resources for the Reading Eggs suite of programs, Mathseeds (our early numeracy program) and Writing Legends (our systematic online writing program).
The Literacy section of the Printables Library:
To find resources for use alongside Reading Eggs, navigate to ‘Literacy’ and use the search function to filter content by year/grade, teacher/student or area of learning.
The Literacy section of the Printables Library comprises collections of worksheets linked to lessons in Reading Eggs, Fast Phonics and Reading Eggspress, along with additional printable resources.
For further details about each printable, select ‘Additional Information’.
To download and print, click ‘Download’.
Printables are available as PDFs, which can be downloaded and printed either as complete booklets or as individual pages.
Printable Reading Books in the Printables Library:
Click ‘Reading Books’ in the Printables Library to access the full collection of printable reading books.
Note: All the books from the Fast Phonics program are available in the Reading Books section of the Printables Library. Use the search box and type ‘Fast Phonics’ to filter for these readers.
Choose a printable reading book and click on ‘More Information’ to view details about the book, printing options and a link to read the book in the library.
You can print the book by selecting one of the download options on this screen or by clicking ‘Download’.
Printing options include single-sided or double-sided, black and white or color and the choice to print a mini book to reduce the number of sheets needed.
Teacher tip! Even if your school hasn't subscribed to Mathseeds or Writing Legends, you can still access printables from the Reading Eggs Printables Library to support your teaching in writing and maths!
Printable resources in the Teacher Toolkit:
In addition to the Printables Library, the Teacher Toolkit offers even more printable resources, categorized into Teaching Resources, Big Books and Book Notes, each organized by year group.
Teaching Resources:
In Teaching Resources, offline resources are organized by year groups: K–2, Years 3–4 and Years 5–6.
Each section includes resources to support both teaching and learning, such as:
- Spelling worksheets with teacher notes
- Comprehension and grammar lessons presented through PowerPoint
- Targeting English materials (teacher and student printables) for comprehension lessons
Writing resources with teacher notes on text types and student printables.
Big Books and Book Notes:
The Big Books and Book Notes section of the Teacher Toolkit offers printable guides for books in the Reading Eggs Library, along with worksheets suitable for offline learning.
Teacher tip! Project the Big Book version onto the classroom screen while students use the provided printable worksheet for offline activities.
In the Big Books section, teachers can search for a title or select the reading level of their students.
Titles with accompanying Book Notes, including teacher guides and student printables are clearly indicated.
Click 'View Book Notes' for access.
In the Book Notes section, teachers can use the search function to find titles, topics, or book series.
Note: You can also find Book Notes in the Teacher Library. When searching for a book, click on the 'Resources' tab displayed at the bottom of the book cover screenshot to access the book notes.
Printables for EVERY lesson!
Discover the convenience of accessing printables for every Reading Eggs lesson to support offline learning.
Reading Eggs printables:
To access printables that support Reading Eggs lessons, follow these steps:
- Select ‘Reading Eggs’, ‘Lessons’, ‘Reading’
- Choose the specific lesson and navigate to the drop down ‘Resources’ tab.
For Storylands lessons and accompanying printables for early comprehension lessons select the 'Storylands' tab.
To find printables for Reading Eggs spelling lessons select the ‘Skills Bank’ tab.
This tab provides printable resources, including a 'Look, Cover, Write, Check' sheet linked to the spellings covered in the lessons.
Reading Eggspress printables:
Printable worksheets are available for every Reading Eggspress lesson to support offline learning.
For Reading Eggspress lessons, teachers can display the book online to the class while students work offline using the provided worksheets.
The Teacher PDF also offers additional ideas for extending learning offline in the classroom.
To find printables that complement Reading Eggspress spelling lessons, select ‘Spelling’ and choose the specific lesson.
Each student printable consists of two sheets: sheet one covers the first two levels of spelling, while sheet two focuses on the third challenge level of words.
Fast Phonics printables:
Fast Phonics provides teachers with comprehensive resources for instruction, including weekly guides and slide decks for classroom screens.
Teaching is further supported by flashcards and phoneme maps/posters.
Recognizing that many Fast Phonics students, especially younger ones, may have limited device access or face challenges with online learning, the extensive collection of printables ensures they can benefit from the program both online and offline.
For every peak in Fast Phonics, teachers have access to printable cursive and non-cursive handwriting sheets, as well as phonics worksheets covering all the phonemes taught in that peak.
Weekly Teaching Guides also provide ideas and additional printables for teaching phonics offline or for combining both the online program and offline resources effectively.
Teacher Tip! Many schools use Reading Eggs for homework by providing printable worksheets for students to take home. This approach ensures that all students can use Reading Eggs at home, regardless of their internet or device access.
Teachers also find it effective to use parts of the online program for in-class instruction. This is particularly beneficial for schools with limited devices and for year groups where students' ICT skills might make device access more time-consuming.